
Characters (tiny page, takes about two seconds to load, don't bypass it if you want to actually know what's going on with this play thing)

Mmm... navigation.

Act 1

Scene 1
Scene 2

Act 2

Scene 1
Scene 2

Act 3

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Act 4

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3

Act 5

Scene 1
Scene 2


     This entire gigantic enterprise (and it has been a ton of work, believe me) came about when my AP English 4 class was doing a Hamlet unit. What, I wondered, would a Shakespearean tragedy about a female be like? Ding! went the flaming duck over my head, with no help from my official duck lighter. Seven months later, I'm finally done! Yaaaaay!

I'm readying the final scene to post right now (September 9, 1999, at about 8:40 PM California time, to be exact) without accompanying notes of any kind, despite the fact that much of the action is implied and I've used plenty of archaic (and in some cases, made-up) words. The notes come soon, I promise, just as soon as I type them up from my handwritten notes. They will be detailed, since not everyone has dedicated as much time to learning strange terminology as I have. That is all. Go enjoy the play now. And remember the first rule of Shakespearean tragedies: the hero dies before it's over. Thank you for your time.

Iambic Pentameter Man Super Site!

This piece of web madness created, implemented and maintained by Napoleon.
I like getting mail. Hint, hint.
