The (not very) Prestigious Monkey's ChoiceAward |
The Monkey's Choice Award -- given to sites that follow PaddedCell Productions' very strict (VERY strict! Hoo boy, strict!) regulations. Few will ever receive this choice award! ...okay, so that's a lie. Ya wanna know how you get this award? Make us smile. That's all. If we find your website to be humorous, amusing, kooky, or otherwise interesting in any way, you're a winner. The award is given out whenever we feel like it, which could mean three in one day or none for three months. It's all up to a) how many worthy applications we get, and b) how long we make it without giving in and awarding it to someone who didn't even apply, just 'cause we want to feel like we're getting some use out of the thing. Some things that will NOT win you the Monkey's Choice award (written from Napoleon's point of view because it's currently after 2 AM and Random is in bed like any sane person):
Other than that, hey. Your design less than inspired? Doesn't neccessarily matter. Your html clumsy? We aren't even going to check it. If you think you've created something funny or unique, though, fill out an application. The worst we can do is say no. And just think, all it costs you is the 2 minutes it takes to fill out a form, and a link back to us if you win. So go for it!